
Find a journal article that deals with developmental issues (cognitive, biosocial, and/or psychosocial) that may affect early, middle, or late adulthood OR death & dying discussed in your textbook or lectures.

  1. Find and summarize a recent journal article that illustrates or pertains to one of the developmental phenomena, theories, processes, issues, or research findings discussed in class for adulthood and beyond. Journals are available through the HCC Library website.
  2. Briefly explain the developmental phenomenon, theory, process, issue or research finding described in item 1.
  3. Explain the relevance of the journal article to what you have learned in this course. Does the information support or contradict or further enlighten the presented information? You may also include any personal experience or observation.

Each report must meet the following requirements:

  • maximum of 3 double-spaced typed pages
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • 1”
  • Article/source included