Imperial Sugar refinery Case Study


On February 7, 2008, there was a large explosion at an Imperial Sugar refinery in Port Wentworth, Georgia. Fourteen people were killed and dozens more were injured. Controversy and lawsuits from the situation described in the Imperial Sugar case will likely continue for many years. The situation generated “whistle-blower” claims and questions. Several politicians became involved as well, and the news media questioned both the politicians’ roles and their involvement with the company. In this Discussion, you will read the case; additionally, you will find it helpful to review both national and local media coverage of the accident and its aftermath.

To prepare:

  • Read “Crystallizing a Response to a Crisis.”
  • Using the Internet or Walden Library resources, search for updates and other news stories about the case.

Discuss each of the following questions:

  • In your opinion, what principle(s) of effective communication did Imperial Sugar employ in its response to the disaster?
  • If you were a family member of an Imperial Sugar employee, would you have been satisfied with the company’s response? Why or why not?
  • Did Imperial Sugar choose the right audiences for its top priorities? Why or why not?

With these thoughts in mind:

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