How does ANP affect the kidneys and what ultimate affect that that have on blood volume?

Negative Feedback Control of Blood Pressure


To complete this worksheet, select:

Module:  Foundations
Activity:  Animations
Title:  Negative Feedback Control of Blood Pressure






  1. Explain how high or low blood pressure affects capillary blood flow.




  1. What is the function of baroreceptors?


The Cardiovascular Center & Organ Effect


  1. Explain the negative feedback loop between baroreceptors, the cardiovascular (CV) center, and the heart. Address: dropping blood pressure, heart stimulation, and hormonal vessel constriction. How do these all work together to achieve homeostasis?


Vascular Regulation


To complete this worksheet, select:

Module:  Distribution
Activity:  Animations
Title:  Vascular Regulation      




  1. a. How do Mean Arterial Blood Pressure (MABP) and Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR) factor together to produce the total Cardiac Output (CO)?


  1. What systems both influence and regulate MABP and SVR thereby impacting CO?

Primary Factors That Affect Circulation


  1. Name the three primary factors that influence circulation.

  2. Blood moves from areas of high pressure toward areas of lower pressure. Describe how the right atrial and aortic pressures affect blood movement.

  1. Define Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR).


  1. Identify and describe three factors that increase SVR.


Vasoconstriction –

Polycythemia or Dehydration –

Vessel Length –                                                                                                                                                      


  1. Cardiac Output (CO) is a product of heart rate and stroke volume. What three factors influence heart rate and stroke volume?


Structures and Functions


  1. Summarize how each of the following affect blood flow.


Heart –                                                                                                                                       


Arterioles –

Veins & Kidneys –                                                                                                                        

  1. Explain ventricular importance in maintaining blood pressure.


  1. a. Describe ventricular activity during each of the following.


Systole –                                                                                                                                                               

Diastole –                                                                                                                                                              


  1. What are normal systolic and diastolic pressures for a resting adult?

    c. What is the importance of blood vessel elasticity?                                                                                            



  1. If normal resting blood pressure is 120/80, then why is MABP 93?


  1. Explain how, and why, arterioles and small arteries affect SVR?



  1. How does vasoconstriction affect SVR and local blood flow?


  1. How does vasodilation affect SVR and local blood flow?

  2. Define venous return of blood.


  1. In what way(s) does venous return of blood affect cardiac output?


  1. How does increased water reabsorption by the kidneys affect blood volume and venous return?


  1. How does decreased water reabsorption by the kidneys affect blood volume and venous return?


  1. What is the body’s primary blood reservoir?


  1. Define venous tone.


  1. a. Explain the effect of venoconstriction.

    b. Explain the effect of venodilation.



  1. Describe how venous valves and muscular movements affect venous blood flow.

  2. Explain how breathing contributes to venous blood flow.


Neural Regulation of Blood Pressure


  1. Generally describe the role of the following receptors relative to blood pressure monitoring.



  1. Describe each of the following neural reflexes.

    Baroreceptor Reflexes –


Carotid Sinus Reflex –


Aortic Reflex –


  1. Describe physiological adjustments in response to dropping MABP.

    Sympathetic Signals –

    Parasympathetic Signals –

    Heart Rate, Contractility, Venous Tone, Cardiac Output –


Vasoconstriction –


  1. Describe physiological adjustments in response to rising MABP.



  1. How do chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies contribute to re-establishing homeostasis during hypoxia, acidosis, or hypercapnia?


Hormonal Regulation of Blood Pressure


  1. Neural regulation of blood pressure is short-term and quick in response. What about hormonal regulation of blood pressure?


  1. What activates the RAA system?

  2. Describe the role of each of the following hormones. Name their source, too.

    Renin –

    Angiotensinogen –

    Angiotensin I –                                                                                                                                                      

    Angiotensin II –



  1. How does angiotensin II affect cells in the proximal convoluted tubules in kidney nephrons?



  1. a. How does angiotensin II affect target cells in the adrenal cortex?

  2. How does this affect cardiac output?



  1. How does angiotensin II affect sensations of thirst? How does this contribute to blood pressure homeostasis?



  1. What stimulates the release of Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH)?



  1. Where is ADH produced and secreted?


  1. How does ADH affect smooth muscle in arteriole walls?



  1. How does ADH affect the kidneys? How does this contribute to blood pressure homeostasis?



  1. How does ADH affect sweat glands? How does this contribute to blood pressure homeostasis?

  1. What stimulates ANP secretion?


  1. How does ANP affect the kidneys and what ultimate affect that that have on blood volume?