Health Promotion Project to Address Underage Tobacco Smoking in Webster, Ma,Health Promotion Project to Address Underage Tobacco Smoking in Webster, Ma,Health Promotion Project to Address Underage Tobacco Smoking in Webster, Ma,Health Promotion Project to Address Underage Tobacco Smoking in Webster, Ma

Health Promotion Project Paper Power Point

Conduct a 30-minute Power Point presentation for Health Promotion Project paper

This presentation is directly related to the content in order #NH30443

o   Community assessment description

o   Statement of the problem

o   Literature Summary

o   Health Promotion Theory/Principles

o   Project Objectives

o   Implementation Plan

o   Significance of the project and ways in which the project is innovative

o   Budget : Estimated with explanation and justification

o   Summary of evaluation methods including outcomes anticipated and conclusion paragraph

o   References- Use same references as in order #NH30443

Health Promotion Project Paper Power Point (10% of final grade)

Conduct a 30-minute Power Point presentation for Health Promotion Project paper

This presentation is directly related to the content in order #NH30443

o   Community assessment description

o   Statement of the problem

o   Literature Summary

o   Health Promotion Theory/Principles

o   Project Objectives

o   Implementation Plan

o   Significance of the project and ways in which the project is innovative

o   Budget : Estimated with explanation and justification

o   Summary of evaluation methods including outcomes anticipated and conclusion paragraph

o   References- Use same references as in order #NH30443


TOPIC: Health Promotion Project to Address Underage Tobacco Smoking in Webster, Ma

My reason for picking this topic is because I interviewed about 10 residents, some officials of the city, and they confirmed that underage smoking is an especially important public health issue in Webster. Below are my assessments and research results so far:

·       The rate of illegal sales to minors (under18) was reported by Webster residents as remarkably high, especially in the downtown area of the town.

·       A high school student reported that a high population of high school students smoke cigarettes. He also reported that they let adults buy it and give it to them.

·       In Webster, there are over 23 tobacco retailers. Most of these retailers are concentrated on Main Street and other parts of downtown Webster. An upsurge in tobacco products use among young people over the past few years has been reported by residents of Webster. They attribute this to the sheer number of retailers in the town, which is considered part of the marketing antics of the tobacco industry, and which ultimately exposes their young children, including young pregnant residents to tobacco products. Moreover, it has been confirmed that police are more likely to prosecute minors for tobacco use than to prosecute retailers for violating rules regarding selling tobacco to underaged smokers.  It is suggested that this selective targeting is because law enforcement find it easier to enforce laws against minors than retailers, with a lopsided use of enforcement resources focused on underage smokers than retailers (Wakefield & Giovino, 2003, p. 6).

·       According to a ranking member of the Webster board of health, a remarkable percentage of Webster residents reported that they use tobacco products. Many of them reported that their children consequently pick up tobacco use habits from the parents.

·       Some retail outlets were reported to sell cigarettes to minors (under 21 years) in Webster.

·       Relative to the small population of Webster, the number of tobacco retailers is higher than the average in Massachusetts. For every 1,000 adults living in Webster, there are 1.74 tobacco retailers, compared to the Massachusetts average of 1.48 (“Tobacco Community Fact sheet,” 2019).

·       An estimated 3,027 smokers live in Webster. This is 22.9% of all adult residents. The overall adult smoking rate is 67% higher in Webster than statewide (22.9% in Webster compared to 13.7% statewide).

·       More than 90% of all smokers was reported to have begun smoking before the age of 18. So out of 3,027 smokers in Webster, 2,724 started smoking as minors (Webster-ma, 2015).

·       The rate of smoking during pregnancy, especially among pregnant teens in Webster is 165% higher than statewide (18% in Webster compared to 6.8% statewide).

·       Lung cancer incidence in Webster is 5% higher among females compared to the average in Massachusetts.

·       Mortality from lung cancer is 6% higher in Webster compared to the average in Massachusetts. (“Tobacco Community Fact sheet,” 2019)

·       As of 2019, Webster has lax enforcement of regulations regarding sale of tobacco products to individuals under age 21 (“Tobacco Community Fact sheet,” 2019).



This paper addresses a Healthy People 2020 goal and focus area and describe the process for developing a health promotion projects with for a community. Be careful to read all criteria so that you may receive full credit for your work.

The paper includes clearly stated information under each of the following headings:

-Community assessment description (Provide a description for the community of Webster, MA as much as you can, especially regarding how underage tobacco is prevalent, with objective evidence of how underage tobacco smoking is a peculiar public health problem in Webster, MA)

-Statement of the problem: The Healthy People topic is stated clearly and the rationale for selecting the topic and focus areas is articulated. (This includes general data about the public health issue as well as data supporting the reason for Health Promotion project for this specific target population). The target population is clearly defined and named.

-Literature Summary: Use this section to review literature that pertains to your paper in a discussion format so that you are engaging the reader in different facets of the Health Promotion project. This can include data, examples of this type of project and what was learned, information about the population chosen and health promotion principles that apply, etc. This should include at least 2-3 pages of peer-reviewed articles (4) which should be no fewer than 3 years old and textbooks no fewer than 5 years old. You may use 2-3 other authentic sources as well.

-Health Promotion Theory/Principles: State the theory that will be the basis of and rationale for the health promotion project for your target population.

-Project Objectives: The objectives of the project are clearly explained. These objectives are appropriate to the topic and the target audience. Objectives are stated in OBSERVABLE and MEASURABLE terms. Objectives should reflect the nature of the project’s topic expected outcomes. (Project is on paper only but should articulate what I plan to implement in the community of webster to address underage tobacco smoking. I am considering a project that will involve a plan to assist law enforcement organizations in enforcing regulations that prohibit the sale of tobacco products to underage residents of Webster. This can be achieved by sourcing funding for enforcement, to enable law enforcement to make frequent compliance checks, with a goal of ensuring compliance by retailers. This compliance checks can also include impromptu sting operations, where volunteer minors can be used to test if retailers comply with the rules by checking IDs and being extra-vigilant about who they are selling cigarettes to. To secure funds, I can collaborate with existing non-profit organizations in Massachusetts, like “Campaign for Tobacco-free Kids,” an organization that relies on contributions from individuals, philanthropic foundations, corporations, and other non-profit organizations. We will see how we can provide funds for the execution of these compliance checks, to ensure that retailers are adequately and regularly put on their toes about checking IDs and complying with other tobacco-related regulations. In collaboration with these non-profit organizations, I will also promote allocation of funding raised for a campaign to encourage residents to report underage smoking by friends and families to law enforcement, so that the supply source for these kids can be traced, plugged and prosecuted as necessary.)

-Implementation Plan: Implementation of the project is described in detail. This is a narrative section which includes the process of the health promotion project, including how you worked with your community partner. A comprehensive outline of the implementation plan is included as a figure or table and should be discussed point by point. Content of the narrative section of the paper reflects the needs of the target population and the project objectives. Health promotion strategies are identified clearly. This section of the paper provides the rationale for your selection of these strategies. Examples are provided that illustrate how the strategy is used in the project. Note the health promotion principles that are used as a foundation for project objectives and target population.

-Significance of the project and ways in which the project is innovative: This section devoted to a discussion of the creativity of the plan. How is the plan innovative? In what ways will the plan have an impact of the target population? What is significant about the project and were there limitations?

-Budget- Estimated with explanation and justification: The budget is outlined and contains an estimation of what the project would cost, even if elements of the project were donated. (e.g. student time, pamphlets or supplies)

-Summary of evaluation methods including outcomes anticipated and conclusion paragraph: The plan to evaluate the project is described. Evaluation methods are delineated and correspond to the description of the project, target population, objectives and health promotion strategies.

Other Requirements

At least 7-8 sources other than the course textbook must be included in the reference list. At least 5 must be from peer-reviewed articles. All sources particularly from the internet must be authentic sources. Sources must be appropriately cited in the narrative portion of the paper. APA format and rubric for evaluation of written assignment must be followed.


Cornelius, M. D., Goldschmidt, L., DeGenna, N., & Day, N. L. (2007). Smoking during teenage

pregnancies: Effects on behavioral problems in offspring. Nicotine & Tobacco Research:

Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 9(7), 739–750.

Tobacco community fact sheet. (2019, August 1). Webster, Massachusetts. Retrieved from




Town of Webster tobacco regulations. (2015). Retrieved from

Wakefield M, & Giovino G. (2003). Teen penalties for tobacco possession, use, and purchase:

Evidence and issues. Tobacco Control, 12, 6-13.



TOPIC: Health Promotion Project to Address Underage Tobacco Smoking in Webster, Ma

My reason for picking this topic is because I interviewed about 10 residents, some officials of the city, and they confirmed that underage smoking is an especially important public health issue in Webster. Below are my assessments and research results so far:

·       The rate of illegal sales to minors (under18) was reported by Webster residents as remarkably high, especially in the downtown area of the town.

·       A high school student reported that a high population of high school students smoke cigarettes. He also reported that they let adults buy it and give it to them.

·       In Webster, there are over 23 tobacco retailers. Most of these retailers are concentrated on Main Street and other parts of downtown Webster. An upsurge in tobacco products use among young people over the past few years has been reported by residents of Webster. They attribute this to the sheer number of retailers in the town, which is considered part of the marketing antics of the tobacco industry, and which ultimately exposes their young children, including young pregnant residents to tobacco products. Moreover, it has been confirmed that police are more likely to prosecute minors for tobacco use than to prosecute retailers for violating rules regarding selling tobacco to underaged smokers.  It is suggested that this selective targeting is because law enforcement find it easier to enforce laws against minors than retailers, with a lopsided use of enforcement resources focused on underage smokers than retailers (Wakefield & Giovino, 2003, p. 6).

·       According to a ranking member of the Webster board of health, a remarkable percentage of Webster residents reported that they use tobacco products. Many of them reported that their children consequently pick up tobacco use habits from the parents.

·       Some retail outlets were reported to sell cigarettes to minors (under 21 years) in Webster.

·       Relative to the small population of Webster, the number of tobacco retailers is higher than the average in Massachusetts. For every 1,000 adults living in Webster, there are 1.74 tobacco retailers, compared to the Massachusetts average of 1.48 (“Tobacco Community Fact sheet,” 2019).

·       An estimated 3,027 smokers live in Webster. This is 22.9% of all adult residents. The overall adult smoking rate is 67% higher in Webster than statewide (22.9% in Webster compared to 13.7% statewide).

·       More than 90% of all smokers was reported to have begun smoking before the age of 18. So out of 3,027 smokers in Webster, 2,724 started smoking as minors (Webster-ma, 2015).

·       The rate of smoking during pregnancy, especially among pregnant teens in Webster is 165% higher than statewide (18% in Webster compared to 6.8% statewide).

·       Lung cancer incidence in Webster is 5% higher among females compared to the average in Massachusetts.

·       Mortality from lung cancer is 6% higher in Webster compared to the average in Massachusetts. (“Tobacco Community Fact sheet,” 2019)

·       As of 2019, Webster has lax enforcement of regulations regarding sale of tobacco products to individuals under age 21 (“Tobacco Community Fact sheet,” 2019).



This paper addresses a Healthy People 2020 goal and focus area and describe the process for developing a health promotion projects with for a community. Be careful to read all criteria so that you may receive full credit for your work.

The paper includes clearly stated information under each of the following headings:

-Community assessment description (Provide a description for the community of Webster, MA as much as you can, especially regarding how underage tobacco is prevalent, with objective evidence of how underage tobacco smoking is a peculiar public health problem in Webster, MA)

-Statement of the problem: The Healthy People topic is stated clearly and the rationale for selecting the topic and focus areas is articulated. (This includes general data about the public health issue as well as data supporting the reason for Health Promotion project for this specific target population). The target population is clearly defined and named.

-Literature Summary: Use this section to review literature that pertains to your paper in a discussion format so that you are engaging the reader in different facets of the Health Promotion project. This can include data, examples of this type of project and what was learned, information about the population chosen and health promotion principles that apply, etc. This should include at least 2-3 pages of peer-reviewed articles (4) which should be no fewer than 3 years old and textbooks no fewer than 5 years old. You may use 2-3 other authentic sources as well.

-Health Promotion Theory/Principles: State the theory that will be the basis of and rationale for the health promotion project for your target population.

-Project Objectives: The objectives of the project are clearly explained. These objectives are appropriate to the topic and the target audience. Objectives are stated in OBSERVABLE and MEASURABLE terms. Objectives should reflect the nature of the project’s topic expected outcomes. (Project is on paper only but should articulate what I plan to implement in the community of webster to address underage tobacco smoking. I am considering a project that will involve a plan to assist law enforcement organizations in enforcing regulations that prohibit the sale of tobacco products to underage residents of Webster. This can be achieved by sourcing funding for enforcement, to enable law enforcement to make frequent compliance checks, with a goal of ensuring compliance by retailers. This compliance checks can also include impromptu sting operations, where volunteer minors can be used to test if retailers comply with the rules by checking IDs and being extra-vigilant about who they are selling cigarettes to. To secure funds, I can collaborate with existing non-profit organizations in Massachusetts, like “Campaign for Tobacco-free Kids,” an organization that relies on contributions from individuals, philanthropic foundations, corporations, and other non-profit organizations. We will see how we can provide funds for the execution of these compliance checks, to ensure that retailers are adequately and regularly put on their toes about checking IDs and complying with other tobacco-related regulations. In collaboration with these non-profit organizations, I will also promote allocation of funding raised for a campaign to encourage residents to report underage smoking by friends and families to law enforcement, so that the supply source for these kids can be traced, plugged and prosecuted as necessary.)

-Implementation Plan: Implementation of the project is described in detail. This is a narrative section which includes the process of the health promotion project, including how you worked with your community partner. A comprehensive outline of the implementation plan is included as a figure or table and should be discussed point by point. Content of the narrative section of the paper reflects the needs of the target population and the project objectives. Health promotion strategies are identified clearly. This section of the paper provides the rationale for your selection of these strategies. Examples are provided that illustrate how the strategy is used in the project. Note the health promotion principles that are used as a foundation for project objectives and target population.

-Significance of the project and ways in which the project is innovative: This section devoted to a discussion of the creativity of the plan. How is the plan innovative? In what ways will the plan have an impact of the target population? What is significant about the project and were there limitations?

-Budget- Estimated with explanation and justification: The budget is outlined and contains an estimation of what the project would cost, even if elements of the project were donated. (e.g. student time, pamphlets or supplies)

-Summary of evaluation methods including outcomes anticipated and conclusion paragraph: The plan to evaluate the project is described. Evaluation methods are delineated and correspond to the description of the project, target population, objectives and health promotion strategies.

Other Requirements

At least 7-8 sources other than the course textbook must be included in the reference list. At least 5 must be from peer-reviewed articles. All sources particularly from the internet must be authentic sources. Sources must be appropriately cited in the narrative portion of the paper. APA format and rubric for evaluation of written assignment must be followed.


Cornelius, M. D., Goldschmidt, L., DeGenna, N., & Day, N. L. (2007). Smoking during teenage

pregnancies: Effects on behavioral problems in offspring. Nicotine & Tobacco Research:

Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 9(7), 739–750.

Tobacco community fact sheet. (2019, August 1). Webster, Massachusetts. Retrieved from




Town of Webster tobacco regulations. (2015). Retrieved from

Wakefield M, & Giovino G. (2003). Teen penalties for tobacco possession, use, and purchase:

Evidence and issues. Tobacco Control, 12, 6-13.