FNUNGR5101 DIscussion Board


Please ensure that you have commenced your reading assignments. This week we are going over Chapters three and four in your Smith & Parker textbook.

Chapter 3: Choosing, Evaluating and Implementing Nursing Theories for Practice

Chapter 4: Florence Nightingale for Caring and its Applications

Hello Class,

It is a pleasure to welcome you to week two. Thank you for your course introductions that were posted in the announcement section. I am very impressed with the diverse mix of professional nurses that will bring much diversity to our class in terms of practice specialties.

While we all may differ regarding where we practice, how we practice, and why we practice, our roles and standards were defined by nursing theory. Some practicing nurses may question the basis for nursing theory, but whether we realize it or not, nursing theory is embedded into our daily practice.

As you advance in your graduate studies, you will realize the nursing theories lend themselves to the framework or support that will apply to your research initiatives.

According to literature by Masters (2015), there are several key terms that will become beneficial for you to understand:

  • Assumptions
  • Clarity
  • Concept
  • Conceptual Model
  • Derivable consequences
  • Empirical Precision
  • Environment
  • Generality
  • Health
  • Human Being (Person)
  • Metaparadigm
  • Nursing
  • Philosophies of nursing
  • Simplicity
  • Theory
  • Worldview

Masters (2015) has illustrated that conceptual models and nursing theories are specific to our profession. Please be aware that there are non-nursing models that have influenced our profession. There was some thought alteration regarding the theoretical thought process of the nursing profession. As you know our discipline has foundations stemming from physiological, biological, and social sciences.

Please review this video on The Foundations of Theory accessible by the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZdJXohU3-U

Some of the theories that are highlighted include:

  • General Systems Theory
  • Social Cognitive Theory
  • Stress and Coping Theory
  • General Adaption Syndrome

Nurses have adopted or extracted concepts from these theories and have incorporated them into their foundations (Masters, 2015).

There is a large range of nursing theorist and their theories expand across classifications of Grand Nursing Theories, Middle Range Theories, and Practice Level Theories. Their models cover academic discipline, research, and professional issues. In a review of choosing, evaluating and implementing nursing theories for practice, please access and review the following link regarding nursing theorists and theories. Here you will find useful information regarding our class topic.

Nursing Theories and Theorist


Florence Nightingale

Classified as an early theorist, Florence Nightingale developed the environmental theory. Her theory consisted of thirteen canons. If you take a moment to review these thirteen canons, you can see how they apply both directly/indirectly to our nursing care today. This is a primary example of how theory supports our practice.

Please take a moment to review Nightingale’s Environmental Model of Caring in her textbook as you prepare for your class discussion that is due. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


“Foundations of Theory.” (2014, March 13). Retrieved January 12, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZdJXohU3-U.

Masters, K. (2015). Nursing theories: A framework for professional practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Wayne, G. (2020, January 2). Nursing Theories and Theorists: An Ultimate Guide for Nurses. Retrieved from https://nurseslabs.com/nursing-theories/.


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