Final Paper Assignment (Biopsychology) – Psychology
PSY-101: Final Paper Assignment (Biopsychology)
For our Final Paper Assignment, you must first select at least one of the major topics (i.e., chapters) in Psychology (e.g., Chapter 6: Learning). Once you’ve selected a topic, you can begin writing your paper. In addition to an introduction and conclusion, your paper will contain two major sections: A teach section and an application section (worth 10 points each; 20 points total).
TEACH SECTION: In the first part of your paper, you will teach the topic to me by discussing the related terms, concepts, and theories. Pretend that I know nothing about the topic, and therefore, you need to teach it to me by fully describing the related terms, concepts, and theories. This can be considered the “research” part of your paper and will require you to seek out additional sources of information and to cite those sources appropriately.
APPLICATION SECTION: In the second part of your paper, you must apply the terms, concepts, and theories you taught me to real-world situations and people. In short, you should tell a story (or stories) that apply the terms, concepts, and theories from the topic you selected. You can apply the information to your own past experience, that of a family member or friend, or you can create fictional people that go through hypothetical situations. This can be considered the “reflection” part of your paper and will require you to produce original examples of the psychological concepts in action.
Your paper MUST be typed, double-spaced, and contain A MINIMUM of 2,000 words (this equates to roughly eight double-spaced pages). Your paper will be graded using the following rubric:
(0 to 3 points)
(4 to 6 points)
(7 to 8 points)
(9 to 10 points)
Absence or misunderstanding of terms, concepts, and theories
Minimal use and understanding of terms, concepts, and theories
Moderate use and understanding of terms, concepts, and theories
Complete use and understanding of terms, concepts, and theories
Absence or misunderstanding of how the material can be applied
Minimal understanding of how the material can be applied
Moderate understanding of how the material can be applied