Dispute resolution methods


Please identify the various dispute resolution methods provided in these two contracts and write a report to the project director:

(1) To briefly describe the nature and characteristics of each of those dispute resolution methods as provided in the contract documents for these two projects;

(2) To highlight the procedures to be followed in each of these two projects once a matter of potential dispute becomes apparent and until up to the stage when a final and binding result on the matter is obtained.

Please also express your view to the project director on which set of procedures is better and should be adopted in the future projects of your organisation, and briefly state the reason why you think so.

The project director is very busy and he expects that your report is brief and concise and the number of words should not exceed 2,000. However, in order to have sufficient coverage of the matters to be reported, he considers that your report could not possibly be shorter than 1,000 words.

1. Do we only explain the nature and characteristic of dispute resolution methods as provided in document A and B or explain all of the dispute resolution method(eg. Arbitration, mediation, adjudication, direct negotiation and Dispute resolution advisor) for document A & B?
2.May i ask Dispute resolution advisor system(DRAd) is one type of the dispute resolution method?
3.What is the difference between Arbitration and adjudication?
4.Do we need to explain only one dispute resolution method to each of the document A and B or more than one method?
5.I do not understand the The Question 3 ( express your view to the project director on which set of procedures is better and should be adopted in the future projects of your organisation, and briefly state the reason why you think so), Should we compare the procedure of different dispute resolution method of each project and document individually or should we compare the procedure between two project and document?
6. What is the format of the individual assignment?Can we use point form?
7.Two documents(A,B) have already provided the detail procedure, For the Question 2(To highlight the procedures to be followed in each of these two projects once a matter of potential dispute becomes apparent and until up to the stage when a final and binding result on the matter is obtained.) Should we only simplify the procedure as provided in document A&B to meet the requirement of Question 2?

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