Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Select a location near your residence, a park, house, coffee shop, or deli, or pub.  Photograph the front (and rear if possible) of the selected location in the day & after dark.  Using the CPTED Guide & Presentation summarize what additional measures you would apply to enhance security or reduce the attractiveness of the location and or its patrons to the potential of criminal or mischievous activity. You could also select a location the has been properly designed and summarize what measures were implement for CPTED.   Keep it simple, just a couple pictures and narrative describing the location, associated hazards, crimes, or mischievous activity and how your actions would reduce the potential of harm from crimes or loss from risk.  You must address Natural Surveillance, Territorial Reinforcement, Access Control, and Maintenance.