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comparing two countries healthcare systems
Here are the points/paragraph topics that have to be included in the essay, including an abstract summary at the beginning. 1) A brief description of the country itself: where located, population, topography and other items of interest. 2) The type of government and how the government relates to the healthcare system. 3) The various components of healthcare system/infrastructure and how it is financed. 4) Staffing of the healthcare system and how it is managed 5) The healthcare problems of the population 6) Strengths and weaknesses of the system 7) Where does your country rank in terms of health indices? 8) How is the system similar and different to the US system of care? 9) Any other unique aspects of the system (this will vary). 10) What are the COVID 19 numbers for your country? (Deaths, number of cases, percentages that test positive, availability of testing, impact on healthcare providers, economic impact, policy (travel, quarantine, or other) and whatever other details you can find. (11) Based on your review, what recommendations do you have for the country to improve their healthcare system