Disnifectant use-BIOL 1409 Lab Midterm Quiz

BIOL 1409 Lab Midterm Quiz
Use the information from your Connect labs and homework assignments to complete this study guide.
Lab Safety (Connect Labs)

  1. When would a disinfectant be used on your work surface?


  1. List examples of personal protective equipment in the lab (PPE).


  1. What is the name of the source for information regarding hazards and handling instructions for any chemical in the lab?


  1. Is the use of cell phones allowed in a laboratory setting?


  1. How long should hands be lathered when washing your hands?

Review of Microscopy (Connect Labs)

  1. What knob on the microscope is used to move the stage upward or downward? Identify its number in the image.


  1. What knob on the microscope is used to fine-tune the focus? Identify its number in the image.


  1. What term is used to refer to adjusting the size of the object being viewed in a microscope?


  1. What is the magnification of the ocular lens? Identify its number in the image.


  1. Which metric unit is most appropriate for expressing the size of plant and animal cells?

Lab Bacteria (Connect Labs)

  1. How is an antiseptic different from a disinfectant?


  1. What is a chemical compound, regardless of its source (either natural or synthetic), that is capable of killing or inhibiting microorganisms is referred to as?


  1. At what temperature would you predict to see optimum growth rate of bacteria in a human body?


  1. What is an example of a differential staining procedure performed in lab?


  1. Describe the difference between a gram-positive cell and a gram-negative cell.

Lab 16.2: Kingdom Protista

  1. What is the difference between algae and protozoa?


  1. Insert a picture of Spirogyra in conjugation and in vegetative state. What is the difference between these two?


  1. What are zooflagellates known for?


  1. Insert a picture of plasmodium. Why can this organism be detrimental to humans?


  1. Insert a picture of an amoeba. What is their means of locomotion and ingesting food particles in their environment?

Lab 17: Nonvascular Plants and Seedless Vascular Plants (Handouts & Lab Review Questions)
Nonvascular Plants

  1. Describe the plants known as “The Bryophytes.”


  1. Insert a picture of a slide for the Mnium structure archegonia and antheridia. Which is male? Which is female?


  1. Insert a picture of the Marchantia What does the term sporophyte refer to?

Seedless Vascular

  1. Insert a picture of a fern prothallium. Is this the sporophyte or gametophyte?


  1. Insert a picture of a Fern frond with sori. Why is this structure important to the plant?


  1. When two gametes fuse, what plant generation is formed?


  1. Do seedless vascular plants have dominant sporophytes or gametophytes?

Lab 18: Seed Vascular Plants (Handout & Lab Review Questions)

  1. Insert a picture of the stamen of a flower. Which sex would you give this structure?


  1. Insert a picture of the carpel (pistil) of a flower. Which sex would you give this structure?


  1. Insert a picture of a male Pinus cone and one of a female Pinus What is a clear distinction to tell them apart?


  1. Which generation, gametophyte or sporophyte, is dispersed by seed plants?


  1. What is the transfer of the seed plants’ male gametophyte by wind or a carrier called?


  1. What is the name given to plants that produce “naked seeds”?


  1. What is produced when double fertilization occurs in angiosperms?

Lab 19: Organization of flowering plants (Plant Form Handout & Lab Review Questions)

  1. Insert a picture of a monocot and dicot seed. If you were to plant a seed without knowing what it is, how would you be able to know which class it belongs to when it begins to germinate?


  1. Insert a picture of a slide of monocot and a dicot stem. How can you tell them apart?


  1. Insert a picture of a live specimen of monocot leaf and dicot leaf. What is the difference?


  1. What kind of plant tissue is composed of cells that divide?


  1. What term refers to stems that are nonwoody?


  1. What kind of growth do woody plants undergo when the diameter of their trunk increases?

Lab 20: Invertebrates

  1. Insert a picture of sponge. What phylum do sponges belong to?


  1. Insert a picture of Ascaris. What phylum does it belong to?


  1. Insert a picture of a crayfish. What phylum does it belong to?


  1. Is an animal a protostome or a deuterostome if the first opening becomes the mouth?


  1. What characteristics does an animal with a definite head region have?

Lab 21: The vertebrates

  1. Insert a picture of a sea squirt. What subphylum does it belong to?


  1. Insert a picture of an amphibian. What was their biggest adaptation?


  1. Insert a picture of a placental mammal. What does their infraclass infer about their young?


  1. What kind of development, protostome of deuterostome, is common to chordates and echinoderms?


  1. What do reptiles produce that ensures their embryos won’t dry out on land?