Paper will have 6-8 in-text citations:
• a minimum of 3 from the original textbook
• a minimum of 3 from other course material or approved academic resources. o Outside academic sources may be used to support your work, however blogs, social media outlets, Wikipedia, Buzzfeed, Dictionaries, etc. are NOT acceptable sources for these 6-8 references (so you can use other quotes, blogs, etc. but they do not count towards this requirement).
Each paper will reflect an actual conflict, accountability conversation and negotiation that each student has personally experienced in their own life, preferably in the last 12- 18 months.
Using the text, Have a Nice Conflict (2012),
analyze a personal conflict you have experienced in the last 12-18 months. Include the following in your analysis:
1. Step 1: EXPLAIN: Briefly EXPLAIN the conflict (who was involved, when, what the issue was, what exactly was said or done to create the conflict.
2. Step 2: ANALYZE & EVALUATE: ANALYZE the conflict using the core principles of anticipate, prevent, identify, manage and resolve (as outlined in the textbook). Including the following observations as you think about and analyze the conflict.
3. SDI & Motivational Values
– Discuss your MVS, how does your unique colour show up in this conflict? Where do your strengths or weaknesses show up in the conflict?
– What about the other person/party – what might their motivational value system be? Please give an example.
– What do you think were the intentions of the other person/party? Why does this matter? What were your primary motivations or intentions in this conflict? Please give an example. What motivational value systems were you operating with?
– Was the conflict resolved? (If YES—explain the resolution and evaluate the result)
(If NO—discuss what you could do to resolve it or even if it can be resolved. Provide examples to support your ideas.)
4. Step 3: RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on what you have learned in the book, online lectures, activities and your own SDI Assessments, answer the following in your recommendations:
• What can you do now to resolve this conflict (if it is has not already been resolved)
• What key 1-2 things might you do differently in future conflicts?
• a minimum of 3 from the original textbook
• a minimum of 3 from other course material or approved academic resources. o Outside academic sources may be used to support your work, however blogs, social media outlets, Wikipedia, Buzzfeed, Dictionaries, etc. are NOT acceptable sources for these 6-8 references (so you can use other quotes, blogs, etc. but they do not count towards this requirement).
Each paper will reflect an actual conflict, accountability conversation and negotiation that each student has personally experienced in their own life, preferably in the last 12- 18 months.
Using the text, Have a Nice Conflict (2012),
analyze a personal conflict you have experienced in the last 12-18 months. Include the following in your analysis:
1. Step 1: EXPLAIN: Briefly EXPLAIN the conflict (who was involved, when, what the issue was, what exactly was said or done to create the conflict.
2. Step 2: ANALYZE & EVALUATE: ANALYZE the conflict using the core principles of anticipate, prevent, identify, manage and resolve (as outlined in the textbook). Including the following observations as you think about and analyze the conflict.
3. SDI & Motivational Values
– Discuss your MVS, how does your unique colour show up in this conflict? Where do your strengths or weaknesses show up in the conflict?
– What about the other person/party – what might their motivational value system be? Please give an example.
– What do you think were the intentions of the other person/party? Why does this matter? What were your primary motivations or intentions in this conflict? Please give an example. What motivational value systems were you operating with?
– Was the conflict resolved? (If YES—explain the resolution and evaluate the result)
(If NO—discuss what you could do to resolve it or even if it can be resolved. Provide examples to support your ideas.)
4. Step 3: RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on what you have learned in the book, online lectures, activities and your own SDI Assessments, answer the following in your recommendations:
• What can you do now to resolve this conflict (if it is has not already been resolved)
• What key 1-2 things might you do differently in future conflicts?