Analysis of standard quality data

LA5: (Case Study 5)

Review of materials used for electricity study including development and analysis of standard quality data

Your name:


Write a report on “Review of materials used for electricity study including development and analysis of standard quality data”. Your report (500-1000 words) must have the (A), (B), and (C) and listed below. The report can have Figures and Tables.

(A) List the materials (at least 10 numbers) that are used in the study of Electricity and Electronics

(B) Mention what these materials do in the domain of Electricity and Electronics

(C) Analyze their Quality Data* and mention below (Analyze means, review and understand that why these quality data and information are important).

(A) List the materials (at least 10 numbers) that are used in the study of Electricity and Electronics (As an example, write up for one of the materials such as Resistor has already been mentioned. You need to write the remaining 9 materials.)

1. Conductors










(B) Mention what these materials do in the domain of Electricity and Electronics

1. Conductors: Conductors are used to connect loads and the power supply. Conductors facilitate current to flow. There are various types of conductors such as standard conductor, multiple conductor, co-axial cable, solid conductor, twisted-pair conductor, solid base conductor all under one plastic sheath, high voltage conductors that require a thick insulation around the conductor, and so on. The materials that are commonly used to manufacture conductors are gold, aluminum, and copper.


(C) Analyze their Quality Data* and mention below (Analyze means, review and understand that why these quality data and information are important).

1. Quality data for Conductors: Conductors are rated with ohms/1000 feet. The resistance value increases with the length of the conductor. If the cross sectional area of the conductor increases, the resistance however decreases.

Lab Assignment 5 (Case Study 5):

(IT 52 Electricity and Electronics Class; Professor Mahalik)

Review of materials used for electricity study including development and analysis of standard quality data

In this Lab Assignment (LA) you will review materials that are used in electricity domain including development and analysis of standard quality data. In order to do this assignment, you need to study the “Study Materials” and then analyze the standard quality data and write a report.

For “Study Materials”, visit the following Links and review. You may also refer Chapter 3 of your Textbook.






To Do

Write a report on “Review of materials used for electricity study including development and analysis of standard quality data”. Your report (500-1000 words) must have the following information. The report can have Figures and Tables.

(A) List of Materials used in the domain of Electricity and Electronics

(B) Mention what these materials do in the domain of Electricity and Electronics

(C) Analyze their Quality Data* (Analyze means, review and understand that why this/these data and/or information are important)

*Q (Student): Where can I find Quality Data of the Materials?

A (Instructor): Figure 3.3 in Chapter 3 can be considered as the Quality Data for Copper and Aluminum wires.