

Analyze key psychometric properties related to tests and measurement, with an emphasis on reliability and validity. Evaluate the technical quality of a test through research on a selected test’s reliability and validity.

Faculty Comments:

Analyzes but does not evaluate the technical quality of a test through research on a selected test’s reliability and validity. Brief explanation but with numbers for reliability but missing for validity of the instrument. Both sets of numbers are important to evaluate technical quality of the instrument. More context on this section.


Evaluate the appropriateness of test content, skills tested, and content coverage for the intended purpose of testing for a selected test.

Faculty Comments:

Evaluates only one or two of the following: the appropriateness of test content; skills tested; content coverage for the intended purpose of testing for a selected test (Element 2).More of an overview with an adequate evaluation of the test appropriateness, content and skills.. Any context on applicable standards?

Analyze the impact technology has had on the techniques and applications used in psychological testing.


Analyze how technology could impact the validity of the results.

Faculty Comments:

Cites technology used in current testing, but does not fully analyze how it could impact the validity of the results. I don’t see a clear section on this addressing validity based on technology with use of references to support the writing.