
i ned this done in 9 hours, not 13!

What you should do:

(just write 4 full pages with 1.5 lines and 11 point font size)

APA references (minimum 4)

5 slides (not including title)

1 system diagram

Overview: Elder Care Services (ECS) is a new firm with the objective of providing elderly people medical care in the privacy of their homes. Doctor visits are conducted virtually using a computer or smartphone. Peripheral devices are provided to the patient for the purpose of measuring heart rate and blood pressure. This information, along with the actual video consultation, is provided to the doctor located in EC facilities via secure communication means. Patients that are prescribed drugs will receive them via terrestrial robot vehicles or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) on the same day. Since these drugs are controlled, vehicle location data must be continuously monitored by the ECS operations center. In the event that the vehicle is damaged, or its contents robbed, the vehicle will capture a video of the incident, and immediately send it to the operations center. ECS wishes to serve urban, suburban and rural areas.

Need: ECS is asking your team to pull together a national communications capability that enables 24/7 connectivity to elderly patients within their homes. The goal is to begin national operations in one year.


I. Project Overview

II. Requirements for the proposed communications system (identify constraints as needed)

III. Assumptions made

IV. Description of the proposed solution/recommendation (with created supporting diagrams),

V. Identification of requirements based upon limitations that cannot be reasonably satisfied by the

proposed system


o Responses to section I through V above, plus reference page. Additional sections can be added as needed

o Maximum of 10 pages (including reference page), and no minimum page count.

o 1.5 line spacing, 11 point font

o A minimum of four references cited in APA format and attached as a separate reference

page at the end of the report

o A minimum of one communications system diagram created (clip art can be

used with citations).

o Approximately 5 to 6 slides(which includes bullet points of paper and diagrams