1030 OT in Mental Health

South University, Richmond

Occupational Therapy Assistant Program

Eating Disorder Evidence-based Practice Paper

OTA 1030 OT in Mental Health

Treatment Paper

Student Outcomes Addressed:

1.) Apply appropriate theoretical perspectives, models of practice, frames of reference, and available evidence in the treatment of individuals with mental health conditions.

2.) Assess the signs and symptoms of various mental health conditions, including precautions, as related to developing a plan for occupational therapy intervention.

ACOTE Standards Addressed:

Identify interventions consistent with models of occupational performance. (B.2.11)

Describe and apply basic features of the theories that underlie the practice of occupational therapy. (B.3.1)

Describe and apply basic features of models of practice and frames of reference that are used in occupational therapy. (B.3.2)

Students will select a specific diagnosis from the spectrum of eating disorders with faculty approval.

· Describe typical signs and symptoms of the condition

· Describe the impact those symptoms have on occupation

· What is/are the prevailing opinions on most effective OT intervention(s) for this condition and what scholarly research supports that?

· Find 3 research articles supporting this opinion

· What specific group intervention(s) could OT practitioners use with the diagnosis or medical condition you selected?

· How does the scholarly research support this as well?

Papers should be at least three pages and no longer than six pages, excluding reference and cover pages, following the prescribed APA format. See rubric below.

CRITERIA for Evidence-based Practice Paper Above Average



Inconsistent Professionalism

Below Average

Deficient in professional skills


Lacks professionalism

1. Description of signs and symptoms of selected eating disorder and its impact on occupation Descriptions of signs and symptoms are succinct and clear; complete information provided; impact on occupation is focused and comprehensive

(4 points

Partial description of signs and symptoms; adequate information provided about impact on occupation

(3 points)

Incomplete description of signs and symptoms; minimal and superficial information provided about impact on occupation

(2 point)

Descriptions are unclear or incorrect; extraneous information provided ; about impact on occupation; reads like a first draft

(1 points)

2. Description of prevailing opinions on most effective OT interventions for this condition and what scholarly research supports the opinions

(3 points)

Substantial, pertinent information and details provided about prevailing opinions and interventions; point of view supported by scholarly evidence (minimum of 3) and examples; effective organization; good flow of information

(3 points)

Adequate information and some details provided about prevailing opinions and interventions; point of view somewhat supported by scholarly evidence and an example (2 articles); ineffective organization with awkward flow

(2 points)

Superficial information; minimal details provided on opinions and interventions; point of view supported by flawed reasoning and insufficient evidence; ineffective organization; difficult to follow

(1 point)

Description of prevailing interventions is unclear or incorrect; point of view is unsupported or supported incorrectly; reads like a first draft

No scholarly research articles cited or referenced

(.5 points)

3. Description of specific group intervention OT practitioners use with selected diagnosis or medical condition and

statement explaining whether scholarly research supports that intervention or not, with example(s)

(4 points)

Substantial description of group intervention used with selected condition or diagnosis; clear, complete statement explaining whether scholarly research supports that intervention or not, and includes at least one reference and example

(4 points)

Adequate description of group intervention used with selected condition or diagnosis; adequate statement demonstrating support by scholarly research; ineffective organization resulting in awkward flow

(3 points)

Superficial information about group intervention used with selected condition or diagnosis; point of view supported by flawed reasoning and insufficient evidence; lack of flow leads to confusion;

(2 points)

Description of group intervention with selected diagnosis or condition is unclear or incorrect; point of view is unsupported or supported incorrectly; reads like a first draft

(1 points)

4. Style

(2 points)

Required formatting and APA style (if relevant) applied correctly and consistently throughout

(2 points)

Required formatting and APA style (if relevant) applied is correct by applied inconsistently throughout

(1 point)

Required formatting and APA style (if relevant) applied incorrectly and inconsistently throughout

(.5 points)

Required formatting and APA style (if relevant) not evident or reads like a first draft

Rubric Not Attached

(.25 points)

5. Grammar

(2 points)

Effective command of grammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation; paper contains fewer than five errors

(2 points)

Fair command of grammar, usage, spelling and punctuation; paper contains fewer than five errors per page on all pages

(1 point)

Below average command of grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation; paper contains five errors or more per page on all pages: Academic Success Center(ASC) needed

(.5 points)

Poor command of grammar, spelling usage and punctuation; excessive errors interfere with understanding; reads like a first draft: ASC needed

(.25 points)